Construction Project Management Website

Category: Websites


Stys Hospitality Initiative


Construction, Hospitality

Skills & Items

Website Design, WordPress, Portfolio

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In this website redesign project for a construction project management company in the hospitality industry, our expert team embarked on a mission to elevate both aesthetics and functionality, resulting in an enhanced user experience and a platform that truly reflects our client’s brand essence.

Project Highlights:

Empowering Client Autonomy:

We empowered our client with the ability to effortlessly update their website. We seamlessly integrated a user-friendly content management system (WordPress), giving them full control over content updates, ensuring that their latest projects can be shared promptly.

Elegant Professionalism:

We redesigned the website with a clean and sophisticated design that exudes professionalism. By revamping the layout, color palette, and typography, we infused a sense of modernity and elegance that resonates with the client’s industry authority.

Showcasing Project Success:

We incorporated individual case studies of their high-profile projects. These narratives provide a deeper understanding of their innovative solutions, illustrating their expertise and problem-solving skills.

Streamlined Portfolio & Client List Presentation:

We reorganized the way our client’s portfolio and list of clients is presented, implementing a categorization system that allows visitors to explore their diverse range of projects with ease. This new structure optimizes user engagement and ensures a more captivating browsing experience.

The result of our efforts is a website that marries captivating design with intuitive functionality. Visitors are now greeted with a polished interface that beckons exploration, enabling them to delve into the client’s world of achievements. The redesign not only aligns with the client’s values but also resonates with their target audience, ultimately fostering stronger connections and driving business growth.

Like what you see?

Reach out to discuss your website, print or branding project with one of our design experts.

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